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In a world, where more content is produced in a day, than any one person could hope to consume in their lifetime, only the best works can hope to live on in the collective consciousness of society. Many will be forgotten. Many more will never be remembered. Only one thing is certain: BEAM Publishing better not screw this up. (No pressure!)
Publishing is a centuries-old, competitive trade and the relatively new ability to self-publish has made the creative landscape even more competitive. To succeed in this industry, today’s content must not become tomorrow’s trash. Any time spent on a project is only worth the results the project produces. The sobering part is to know that any time spent, is time you can’t get back. So, if BEAM Publishing is going to spend any time making content, you bet we are going to do everything in our power to make it worthwhile.
For now our focus sits squarely on producing paper music. This is a market that will never go away, and we want to do this one thing correctly before we dilate our scope. It is our long term goal to offer novels, graphic media, and perhaps, specialized promotional material in addition to our music offerings. This all depends on us finding people who want to strictly produce quality works and understanding how to best present their content. Thankfully, America is (mostly) a free market where winners and losers are not determined by a select few officials (unelected or otherwise), but rather by the people and their paychecks. This means that anything the people want, the people get, providing it exists with a price tag slapped on the back. Here’s to hoping!
On behalf of everyone at BEAM Publishing,
Thank you for your support!