Credit where credit is due.
Our staff at Behny Entertainment, Arts, & Media are mostly Scandihoovians. Most people of this ethnic background would rather do anything else than talk about themselves. The Staff page summaries are brief so as to exercise some humility for their sake, but we are proud of the work they do and we believe anyone who asks ought to know just how important our staff is to us. So, what exactly does everyone do? Let’s take a moment to explain just that.
Brittany Behny
Secretary to the CEO - Assist the CEO with all administrative duties, including but not limited to: managing the CEO’s daily schedule, keeping top-level company records, light research, general correspondence, preparation of materials for routine and special functions, recording the minutes of meetings, execution of business on behalf of the CEO on a case-by-case basis, and other related affairs.
Social Media Team - Operate according to standards drafted by Marketing, engage online interactions while remaining consistent with company goals to advance brand image and company reputation, operate on all online platforms that prove a measurable benefit, execute outreach campaigns designed by Marketing, work with Officers to ensure a consistent brand image, and monitor and report company reputation to Executive Officers.
Musician - Prepare and perform music that is enlightening and edifying, know and practice basic music writing conventions and basic recording standards, design cover art in conjunction with the Art Team for each piece and album if either are applicable, work with assigned Audiophile to develop sound and review final product drafts, and meet with Chief Audiophile regularly to discuss projects and portfolio.
Trygve Behny
Chief Financial Officer - Refine and execute the company vision and mission, observe and understand all applicable markets, discern and act on all business goals and strategies, oversee financial operations and obligations, audit operations to ensure transparency and consistency, and manage all subordinate personnel and delegated responsibilities.
Finance - Draft and maintain standards for company money management, devise easy methodology for every department to record and report cash flow, identify any means the company could operate more efficiently, distinguish and record known and unknown equity and liabilities within the company in a simple report for the review of Chief Officers, and maintain all company financial records.
Marketing - Support the Officers concerning publicity, organize convention and trade show participation, devise campaigns that align with both the CEO’s vision and the company’s goals, work with the Art Team to develop a consistent brand image, monitor and report company reputation to Officers, draft and maintain standards for social media outreach in accordance with company goals, and assist with recruitment when requested.
Tanner Behny
Productions Officer - Support the Chief Videophile, research and source needed supplies, track production and manage publication of all Productions projects, work with other BEAM departments if exporting projects to another medium, manage packaging of physical assets, review any production content at the discretion of the Chief Videophile, observe market for opportunities to expand, and manage recruitment of staff and projects.
Chief Videophile - Support all Videophiles (BEAM film/video producers), draft and maintain video standards for overall asset development and appearance, manage production of all video projects, decide how to allocate company resources to projects, assign approved projects to videophiles, track poster/cover art design, proof every finished reel before release to publish, and manage product offerings to align with department goals.
Videophile - Know and practice department production standards, work on projects to develop their vision, delegate as seen fit to execute project goals, secure resources from Chief Videophile as needed, ensure content meets expectations, work with delegacy as necessary, manage poster/cover art development, assemble all elements into recurring product drafts, and review final reel with delegacy and then the Chief Videophile to proof.
Performance Officer - Support the Chief Technician, research and source needed supplies, research and secure suitable venues as needed, work with other BEAM departments if exporting projects to another medium, review production content at the discretion of the Chief Technician, observe market for opportunities to expand, manage Actor and Musician talent pools for BEAM, and manage recruitment of staff and projects.
Chief Technician - Support all technicians (BEAM stage/live producers), draft and maintain performance standards for overall project development and appearance, assign approved projects to technicians, manage allocation of company resources to projects, observe projects in production, track poster/cover art design, proof any dress rehearsal before release to public, and manage product offerings to align with department goals.
Technician - Know and practice department performance standards, develop the vision of assigned projects, assemble and lead a crew to execute project goals, request resources for projects from Chief Technician, review project plan with crew prior to any pre-release technical period, proof any dress rehearsals with Chief Technician, and, if needed, manage poster/cover art development and work with Productions Department on promo material.
Audiophile - Know and practice department recording standards, work with musicians to develop their sound and supply needed equipment to execute recordings, record until content meets expectations, mix tracks according to project goals, track cover art development, draft “About” sections with artists if needed, assemble all elements into product draft, and review final product submissions with musicians and then the Chief Audiophile to proof.
Marketing - Support the Officers concerning publicity, organize convention and trade show participation, devise campaigns that align with both the CEO’s vision and the company’s goals, work with the Art Team to develop a consistent brand image, monitor and report company reputation to Officers, draft and maintain standards for social media outreach in accordance with company goals, and assist with recruitment when requested.
Equipment Manager - Catalog all equipment used by BEAM with statistics on every piece (including owners), communicate with Department Officers and estimate independently what types and volumes of operations may occur to determine the equipment necessary to accomplish said operations, work with Department Officers to acquire needed equipment, and create and manage a checkout system and space for general use equipment.
Tyler Behny
Chief Executive Officer - Compose and develop the company vision and mission, observe and understand the markets’ gaps and points of saturation, plan and implement all business goals and strategies, foster healthy cooperation between departments, devise effective communication and procedural protocols, manage distribution of outbound company products, and manage all company personnel and delegated responsibilities.
Publishing Officer - Support the Chief Engraver, research and source needed supplies, track development and manage publication of all Publishing projects, manage fabrication and packaging of all company print materials, work with other BEAM departments if exporting projects to another medium, review content at the discretion of the Chief Engraver, observe market for opportunities to expand, and manage recruitment of staff and projects.
Chief Engraver - Support all Engravers, draft and maintain publishing standards for overall product development and appearance, manage development of all printed media, decide allocation of company resources to projects, assign composers to engravers to develop musical ideas, manage cover art design with composers and Art Team, proof every final draft before release to publish, and manage product offerings to align with department goals.
Engraver - Know and practice department publishing standards, work with composers to develop music, screen finished submissions with composer, format and adjust draft as needed, track development of cover art, work with composer on “About” sections, espy difficult sections and draft “Rehearsal Notes”, assemble all elements into draft, and review final drafts with composer and then the Chief Engraver to proof.
Records Officer - Support the Chief Audiophile, research and source needed supplies, track production and manage publication of all Records projects, work with other BEAM departments if exporting projects to another medium, manage packaging of physical assets, review production content at the discretion of the Chief Audiophile, observe market for opportunities to expand, and manage recruitment of staff and projects.
Chief Audiophile - Support all Audiophiles, draft and maintain audio standards for overall asset development and appearance, manage production of all audio projects, decide how to allocate company resources to projects, assign musicians to audiophiles to develop musical ideas, manage cover art design with musicians and Art Team, proof every finished track before release to publish, and manage products to align with department goals.
Audiophile - Know and practice department recording standards, work with musicians to develop their sound and supply needed equipment to execute recordings, record until content meets expectations, mix tracks according to project goals, track cover art development, draft “About” sections with artists if needed, assemble all elements into product draft, and review final product submissions with musicians and then the Chief Audiophile to proof.
Coordination Officer - Support the Chiefs in the following sub-departments: Art & Design, Marketing, Publicity & Social Media, and Merchandising. Adhere to the following: research and source needed supplies, communicate with other BEAM departments to ensure optimal productivity, review content at the discretion of any Coordination Department Chief, manage recruitment of staff, and report to Chief Officers on perception of internal efficiency.
Finance - Draft and maintain standards for company money management, devise easy methodology for every department to record and report cash flow, identify any means the company could operate more efficiently, distinguish and record known and unknown equity and liabilities within the company in a simple report for the review of Chief Officers, and maintain all company financial records.
Marketing - Support the Officers concerning publicity, organize convention and trade show participation, devise campaigns that align with both the CEO’s vision and the company’s goals, work with the Art Team to develop a consistent brand image, monitor and report company reputation to Officers, draft and maintain standards for social media outreach in accordance with company goals, and assist with recruitment when requested.
Social Media Team - Operate according to standards drafted by Marketing, engage online interactions while remaining consistent with company goals to advance brand image and company reputation, operate on all online platforms that prove a measurable benefit, execute outreach campaigns designed by Marketing, work with Officers to ensure a consistent brand image, and monitor and report company reputation to Executive Officers.
Computer Engineer - Draft, maintain, and abide by standards for website, data management, and digital security; research and source supplies and services to construct and maintain website, email host, and all workstations; work with Officers and Social Media Team to best represent BEAM on company website, design/maintain website, and acquire any and all domains that would benefit the company to own or hurt the company not to own.
Art Team - Support all BEAM departments with any delegated artistic tasks. Adhere to the following: research and source needed supplies, assemble and develop a team to execute project goals, track and abide by production goals of all BEAM projects with a request for service, work closely with departments to ensure accuracy and punctuality, and review production content at the discretion of any Department Chief.
Composer - Compose/score and develop/arrange new music that is enlightening and edifying, know and practice basic music writing conventions and basic publishing standards, design cover art in conjunction with the Art Team for each piece, work with assigned Engraver to screen and finalize music, and meet with Chief Engraver regularly to discuss projects and portfolio.
Musician - Prepare and perform music that is enlightening and edifying, know and practice basic music writing conventions and basic recording standards, design cover art in conjunction with the Art Team for each piece and album if either are applicable, work with assigned Audiophile to develop sound and review final product drafts, and meet with Chief Audiophile regularly to discuss projects and portfolio.
Thank you for taking the time to recognize all the hard work our staff does to develop content for the mind, heart, and spirit. To learn more about the people at BEAM, take a moment to check out our Artists page.